Root Rot: Everything You Need to Know

Smelly, Slimey.. Catastrophic! How Can We Solve it?

We’ve all been there - a little too much love (aka watering), and next thing you know our plant looks like its on it’s way to the next life. Root rot can be a sneaky killer, but can also be stopped if caught early on! Here are some ways to spot it and fix it. You got this!


How Can I Fix Root Rot?

1. Check the Roots: If the leaves are wilting, the soil is damp, and the plant has an odor, its time to take the plant out of the pot to inspect the roots. Healthy roots should be firm and white or light-colored. If you see or feel mushiness and dark discoloration, partnered with a strong smell, your plant may have root rot.

2. Remove the Rot: Very carefully locate and trim away rotted roots using clean and sterilized pruning tools, then gently rinse the remaining healthy roots with room-temperature water to remove any remaining debris. This removes the pathogen and prevents it from spreading further. Additionally, you can spray the clean root system with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to ensure that the ends are clean and rot free.

3. Add Fungicide (optional): If the root rot is severe or you want to be extra cautious, you have the option to treat the remaining healthy roots with a fungicide specifically formulated for root rot. Follow the instructions on the fungicide product.

4. Repot: Once it’s cleaned up, select a pot with plenty of drainage holes. Fill it with fresh, well-draining potting soil suitable for your plant. Replant and ensuring the roots are spread out comfortably. Gently press the soil around the roots without compacting it too tightly.

5. Monitor and Maintain: Keep a close eye on the plant's progress. Regularly check the soil moisture levels and respond accordingly. Be sure to keep a healthy environment for the plant, including proper humidity levels, temperature, and air circulation. If you’re feeling adventurous, talk to your plant and give it some positive affirmations to help it heal! Be patient - it takes time, but with steady care, it can bounce back.
